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Between Tides

A short documentary by Mirjam Landolt


a sensorial journey
on a scottish island
reminding us of the connection
between the living
questioning our relationship
to the sea and to the land


An island, surrounded by the great waves of the Atlantic ocean. The coasts are wild and the sea plays with the land. A woman is spinning red wool, the quiet rattle of her spinning wheel leads to the voice of the storyteller. The story of the Selkie, an imaginary being, unfolds. Many things happen between low and high tide, at sea and on earth, under the sun and the moon.

Between Tides questions our relationship to the place in which we live, it reminds us of the importance of creativity and the connection between all living beings.


• 08.11.2023 - 20h30
• 11.11.2023 - 17h
• 12.11.2023 - 16h 


Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, 2023, Switzerland
World Premiere